Call-Back Visits and Job Offers
Our program is quite rigorous, and students may find it difficult to plan their on-site, second-round interview. Your flexibility in permitting students to schedule visits around classroom commitments is appreciated. Please note that no classes are held on Friday.
In order to provide students sufficient time to explore career options, we have joined with other leading graduate business programs in establishing guidelines for offer deadlines. Employers are strongly encouraged to provide graduating students sufficient time regarding offer acceptance, up until Dec. 15 or three weeks after an offer (whichever is later). Summer internship candidates should be given until March 1 or one week after an offer (whichever is later) before requiring a response.
We recognize that some situations may require a faster response. In these instances, please inform the Masters Career Center staff at of the situation as soon as possible.
Companies are asked to provide information on offers made, offers accepted and salaries offered to Lynn Urso, Associate Director, Recruiting at This assists us in preparing an accurate employment report at the end of each recruiting year.