Carnegie Mellon University

Tepper Blockchain Initiative Faculty

Ariel Zetlin-Jones

Ariel Zetlin-Jones

Associate Professor of Economics

Research Interests

Ariel Zetlin-Jones' research interests in cryptocurrency and blockchain include the design of stable-price cryptocurrencies, the microstructure of cryptocurrency exchanges, and the governance of blockchain technologies.


  • Introduction of cryptocurrencies is provided in Financial Crises and Risk

Research Coverage & Consulting

chester spatt

Chester Spatt

Pamela R. and Kenneth B. Dunn Professor of Finance

Research Interests

Chester Spatt's current research interest focuses upon the foundations of financial regulation as well as the regulation of financial markets and instruments.

Research Coverage

  • Lecture: “FinTech and Financial Regulation” (Santiago, May 2018)
  • Lecture: “FinTech and Financial Regulation” (Buenos Aires, May 2018)
  • Panelist: “Regulation and Innovation” — National Association of Insurance Commissioners (Boston, August 2018)
  • Discussant: “BlockChain and the Future of Optimal Financing Contracts” — European Finance Association (Warsaw, August 2018)
param singh

Param Singh

Carnegie Bosch Associate Professor of Business Technologies, Director of the PNC Center for Financial Services Innovation

Research Interests

Param Singh is interested in technical and economic aspects of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and smart contracts. He is co-leading an initiative at CMU to develop a cryptocurrency testbed (CMU Coin) to support research and education in this space.  


  • MBA class on FinTech, co-taught with Bryan Routledge.

Research Coverage

bryan routledge

Bryan Routledge

Associate Professor of Finance

Research Interests

Bryan Routledge's recent research focuses on smart contracting in finance. One of his latest projects looks at price stability mechanisms for cryptocurrency coins.


  • MBA class on FinTech, co-taught with Param Singh

Research Coverage

Nikhil Malik

Nikhil Malik

Ph.D. student in Business Technologies

Research Interests

Nikhil Malik's research interest is in comparing public vs. enterprise blockchain platforms, protocols vs. applications, and numerous tokenomic schemes. He also studies tradeoffs for participants in this ecosystem: users, investors, and traditional intermediaries.


  • Undergraduate Business class on FinTech
tae wan kim

Tae Wan Kim

Associate Professor of Business Ethics

Research Interests

Tae Wan Kim studies the ethics and governance of cryptocurrencies. He is interested in answering who should be entitled to change aspects of a blockchain protocol.

Research Coverage

pietro bonaldi

Pietro Bonaldi

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Research Interests

Pietro Bonaldi is interested in analyzing the feasibility, welfare implications, and potential for disruption of eventual widespread adoption of blockchain technology, and more generally, cryptography in accounting, specifically in the audit industry. 

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