Carnegie Mellon University

Tepper School Course List

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Masters and Ph.D. Courses

191 courses displayed.

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45700 Financial and Managerial Accounting I

This course is the first of two required accounting courses, designed to provide MBA students with a solid foundation in accounting. The course introduces students to (1) corporate financial statements and (2) basic cost concepts and their uses. By the end of the course,…
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45701 Financial and Managerial Accounting II

The objective of this course is to provide the student with the ability to use accounting information to make longer-term planning and control decisions. In this second course in accounting, we focus mainly on performance evaluation, taking into account the measurement and…
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45710 Managerial Economics

This course presents the basic concepts of microeconomics theory with an emphasis on business applications. The approach of microeconomics is to solve an economic problem by modeling it as an optimization problem; the solution to the optimization problems then interpreted…
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45711 Global Economics

This class is designed to give you some insight into the enormous differences in economic environments faced by businesses around the world: how the environment in the United States differs from that in (say) France, China, or Mexico. We will view the world through the…
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45720 Finance I

Finance and financial markets are the mechanism that the economy uses to allocate resources across time and shape and share risks. Much of this activity takes place through corporations. The Finance I class will look at finance primarily through the lens of corporations…
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45730 Marketing Management

This course provides an introduction to the field of marketing and experience in analyzing situations that marketing managers encounter. The course emphasizes marketing principles, analysis and strategy. Topics include marketing management, buyer behavior, product policy,…
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45740 Managing People and Teams

Teams are increasingly used to innovate and implement in a variety of organizational settings. This course is designed to improve your effectiveness as a manager by introducing you to concepts for understanding individuals and teams in organizations. Students will be…
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45741 Managing Networks and Organizations

This course is designed to improve your effectiveness a manager by introducing you to social network concepts and tools as they apply to organizations. A central objective of the course is understanding organizational structure, behavior, dynamics, and environment. You…
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45745 Ethics and Leadership

This course is designed to enable students to understand how individuals may make mistakes in ethical decision-making, foster their ability to reason carefully and thoroughly about the ethical implications of managing organizations and people, and to help them more…
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45750 Probability and Statistics

This course introduces tools for decision making under uncertainty, ranging from the fundamentals of probability theory, decision theory and statistical models to simple software for data analysis. Topics include statistical independence, conditional probability, Bayes…
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45751 Optimization

This course covers fundamental optimization tools for quantitative analysis in the management sciences. The central topics of study are linear integer and nonlinear programming. Special emphasis is placed on linear programming particularly on modeling business applications…
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45752 Statistical Decision Making

The objective of this course is to help you learn to analyze data and use methods of statistical inference in making business decisions. This course focuses on application of fundamental concepts from Probability and Statistics to drawing inferences from data. Topics…
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45760 Operations Management

Operations management is unique and, to some degree, represents a paradox because it is concerned with one of the oldest and also the most newly engineered information driven activities. Production and logistics activities - such as Operations management is unique and, to…
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45770 Corporate Strategy

This course focuses on strategy as the search for rents among opportunities that are entrepreneurial, dynamic, and evolutionary. In this way this course presents "strategy as progress" as a complement to strategy as positioning. Here, the distinguishing feature of the…
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45790 Management Presentations

This is the first course in a three-course management communication core sequence designed to prepare you for the challenging demands of communicating strategically as leaders in formal business situations. The course educational objective: Develop sophisticated…
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45800 Corporate Financial Reporting

This course is designed to strengthen your ability to correctly interpret financial statements and their accompanying disclosures. The course is aimed at anyone whose career might involve working with accounting data and should be especially useful for those interested in…
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45801 Financial Statement Analysis

STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE THIS COURSE FOR PASS/FAIL1. Course objectives: This course is about fundamental analysis using financial statements. We develop and apply tools to help us understand firm activities that generate shareholder value. We also study earnings…
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45803 Strategy, Performance Measurement and Corporate Governance

The course studies the role of managerial accounting systems in developing, communicating, and implementing an organization's strategy. Much of the course is focused on incentive issues throughout the organization, including the board of directors (corporate governance),…
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45805 Lean Entrepreneurship

Lean Entrepreneurship is one of two introductory entrepreneurship courses offered to Tepper School of Business students and to graduate students from other CMU schools and colleges, as places are available. [The other introductory course is Entrepreneurial Alternatives…
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45806 Entrepreneurial Alternatives

Entrepreneurial Alternatives will examine paths of entrepreneurship outside of high-growth, new venture creation. In particular, the course will focus on tactical elements of business acquisition and franchise purchase including target evaluation, financial analysis of…
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45807 Commercialization and Innovation: Strategy

Commercialization and Innovation, Strategy (45-807) focuses on innovation (transformational or disruptive innovations and by sustained innovations) and on the development of open innovation business models and market strategies required to introduce these innovations into…
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45820 Finance II

Finance II is the prerequisite for all finance electives. The course develops the concepts and tools needed to analyze publicly traded securities, and to apply the tools to real world situations problems such as optimal portfolio formation, cost of capital estimation,…
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45821 Investment Analysis

Requires Completion of 45-820 Finance II. The objective of Investment Analysis is to introduce you to the tools used by investment professionals to manage assets and their risks. The course covers optimal asset allocation, its performance evaluation, and risk management.…
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45822 Corporate Finance

Requires Completion of 45-820 Finance II. Applied Corporate Finance (45-822) is a case-based elective course that covers topics in capital budgeting, corporate valuation, payout policy, capital structure, and real options. The aim of the course is to highlight the value of…
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45824 Venture Capital & the Finance of Innovation

Venture capital plays an important role in the financing and development of high-growth entrepreneurial firms. This course presents the tools and quantitative methods used by venture capital funds to evaluate, value, and structure their investments. These are particularly…
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45826 Real Estate

The aim of this course is to introduce students to many of the a) institutional arrangements associated with real estate transactions and b) provide a framework for understanding valuation and transactions in these markets. Among the topics we plan to cover are the role of…
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45830 Marketing Research

This course is aimed at the manager who is the ultimate user of marketing research and the one responsible for determining the scope and direction of research activities. The techniques of research design, data collection and data analysis occupy an important role in the…
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45831 Pricing Strategy

Determining the price of a product or service is one of the most important marketing decisions. It is also one of the most complex and least understood aspects of marketing. While many marketing activities are geared toward creating value for the customer, sound pricing…
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45832 Brand Strategy

This course covers why brands are important, what they represent to consumers, how companies currently manage their brands, and strategies for creating and sustaining brand equity. (6/13-LC)

45833 New Product Management

The course focuses on the strategy for introduction of new products and services. In particular the course methodologies to enable you to: a) evaluate and value new product projects, b) identify opportunities, c) design and implement a conjoint study to refine and optimize…
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45836 Consumer Behavior

Marketing, in particular, begins and ends with the consumer - from determining consumer needs to ensuring customer satisfaction. In this course, we will explore the most recent scientific research in marketing, psychology, and behavioral economics on judgment and decision…
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45840 Negotiations

In this course, students will examine the theory and practice of negotiation across a variety of settings. The course is designed to address a broad spectrum of negotiation problems that are faced by managers and professionals. It provides students with the opportunity to…
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45841 Team Conflict and Multiparty Negotiation

Groups and Teams in Organizations examines the design, management, and leadership of teams in organizational settings. The focus is on the interpersonal processes and structural characteristics that influence the effectiveness of groups and teams when engaged in a variety…
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45842 Organizational Learning and Strategic Management

Managing knowledge effectively is key to the performance and competitiveness of organizations. The course examines how organizations innovate or create new knowledge, how they retain knowledge, and how they transfer knowledge. Strategic implications of new results on…
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45843 Organizational Power and Influence

Power is the ability to get things done. It is fundamental for taking action in organizations and in society. Organizations are political institutions, and effectively mobilizing resources to get things done is essential if a manager is to be effective in their job. In…
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45850 Applications of Operations Research

One of the main features of today's business world is the ubiquitous use of technology: we would like to derive insights from numerous sources of data and add value by proposing best-fitting, cutting-edge courses of action, which are implementable in practice. This results…
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45851 Data Mining

This course provides students with an essential introduction to data mining, focusing on its application in modern business decision-making. Data mining is the process of discovering patterns, relationships, and trends in large datasets using computational techniques. By…
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45861 Six Sigma Tools and Techniques

To understand six sigma we must understand its underlying philosophy, that of the modern quality movement. Therefore we will first compare and contrast the ideas of various quality "gurus" examining the different ways to define and measure quality. In most cases, the goal…
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45862 Supply Chain Management

A supply chain includes supply, production, storage, distribution, and selling facilities that are connected by material, informational, and financial links. Since facilities are not necessarily connected in a serial fashion, despite its name, a supply chain describes a…
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45868 Design Thinking with AI

Design thinking is a critical approach for business leaders to solve complex problems and drive innovation. This course integrates AI technologies—such as natural language processing (NLP), large language models (LLMs), big data, and generative…
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45869 Service Design for Digital Services

Service design is a key driver of digital transformation, enabling organizations to deliver more innovative and efficient services. In this hands-on course, you'll learn how to integrate AI tools into the service design process to create user-centered solutions that…
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45871 Trade and Investment Strategy

"Trade and Investment Strategy" is a strategy elective on the microstructure of trade and growth in private enterprise. It combines analytic with experimental methods to investigate strategic interactions in bidding, buying, selling, designing trading mechanisms,…
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45872 Technology Strategy

The course Technology Strategy is about business strategy for technology-intensive industries. It is not only suitable for students who wish to concentrate in strategy but also in marketing, as I cover two of the 4 P's of marketing (Product and Price). Examples of…
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45882 Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy

This course posits to explore issues related to digital and social media marketing. This is a hands-on class where you will use real world data. We will cover the following topics in class. Search Engine Optimization: How search engines, keyword auctions, and search engine…
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45890 Inclusive Approaches to Resolving Workplace Conflicts

Consulting and Conflict Resolution offers you a systematic methodology for improving your interpersonal communications skills as well as your effectiveness as a consultant, mediator, and business leader. In the course students learn how employ the strategies that experts…
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45895 Acting for Business I

The course teaches empathetic listening and assertive influence achieved through practical Acting tools rooted in the basic concepts of "Action" and of the Speaker's "Best Possible Self" , and through the cumulative Seven Stages to Executive Presence. Participants must…
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45897 Corporate Communications Simulation

Corporate Communications Simulation is an elective course that enables students to enact the communications methodologies, mediums, and strategies they will need to fulfill in managerial roles within a corporation. Students will take on roles of top executives in a…
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45898 Writing for Managers

This elective focuses on best practices in written communication for business people in managerial positions. Students will receive instruction and feedback to help them understand the expectations of future and present employers and Tepper faculty to: target…
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45905 Funding Early Stage Ventures

Funding Early Stage Ventures is a course intended for students interested in the area of high-risk finance from the entrepreneurial and venture capital perspectives. It is highly recommended that students have taken Entrepreneurship for High Growth Companies (45-805).…
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45907 Commercialization and Innovation: Workshop

Commercialization and Innovation is offered in two minis to Tepper School of Business MBA students and to qualified graduate students from other CMU schools, as places are available. The first mini (45-807) is entitled Commercialization and Innovation, Strategy, and the…
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45908 Marketing for Entrepreneurship

The purpose of this course is to apply basic marketing principles to start-up and early-stage businesses. The differences between marketing for start-up and early-stage entrepreneurial firms and traditional large businesses are: 1) no or limited marketing budgets to fund…
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45909 Designing and Leading a Business Pittsburgh CAP-

Semester long course, some will finish in Pgh, some in SV.

45912 Forecasting Time Series Data

The goal of this course is to give students an introduction to the basic time series models. The students will learn the basic summary statistics i.e. autocovariances, trends and seasonal cycles. The course will focus on forecasting observed series and the estimation of…
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45914 Technology and Future of Work

The goal of the course is to understand how changes in technology will affect workers in the near future. The course will draw from research spanning both economics and engineering. The emphasis will be both theoretical and quantitative. On the theoretical side, the course…
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45921 Corporate Restructuring

Requires Completion of 45-820 Finance II. This course covers the financial, economic, and strategic reasons for major corporate restructuring transactions. The types of corporate restructurings that are examined include: mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, leverage…
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45928 Energy Finance

45933 Marketing Communication for Consumer Brands

Marketing communications are the means by which marketers establish and build relationships with consumers through --directly or indirectly-- informing, persuading, and reminding consumers about the brands they sell. This course is designed to help students develop an…
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45941 Evidence-Based Management

Contemporary managers and their decisions are heavily swayed by fads and the promises consultants make. Evidence Based Management (EBM) identifies effective practices, separating them from fads and hype. Managers practicing EBM learn how to obtain and use the best…
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45942 Organizational Change

This course focuses on processes of organizational change. The goals are to provide frameworks and tools for effectively introducing and sustaining organizational change. Topics include initiation, implementation and institutionalization of change in various organizational…
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45960 Sustainable Operations

In this course we will explore and develop definitions of sustainability in general, and sustainable operations in particular. We will also investigate how companies can evaluate and implement sustainability measures, and different motivations for firms to engage or invest…
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45965 Service Management: Go-to-Market Strategy and Operations

As the world's major economies have matured, they have become dominated by service providing organizations. These service focused businesses respond to the requirements of customers to satisfy some needs and leave certain experiences in their minds. This course addresses…
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45970 Strategies in Information Markets

Description: This course studies the role of information in markets, with a focus on e-commerce and technology industries. We will explore how information enhances the scope for trade, including how firms collect and aggregate information about consumers' preferences to…
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45977 Management in Electric Power Systems and Electricity Markets

Cyber-physical attacks to energy infrastructure, the climate change turmoil, the quest for utility-scale battery technology innovation, the burning matters of retiring nuclear and coal units that are hard to be properly replaced, and the ever-going discussion about the…
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45980 Big Data

In this course we look at the phenomenon of 'Big Data' as an emerging force in the global business environment. The course will offer a conceptual foundation for capturing, managing, and analyzing enormous amounts of data to make better business decisions (and to build…
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45990 Management Game

Management Game (12 units) The Management Game is an applied strategic management and general management exercise where teams of students operate computer simulated companies for 3 years acting as the executive committee of a multi-national manufacturing company. Groups of…
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45991 Strategic Management of the Enterprise

Strategic Management of the Enterprise (12 units) Strategic Management of the Enterprise Capstone is an experiential learning course that features a broad range of exciting projects. It is an innovative project course being offered in partnership with A.T. Kearney and…
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46740 Managing People and Teams

Teams are increasingly used to innovate and implement in a variety of organizational settings. This course is designed to improve your effectiveness as a manager by introducing you to concepts for managing people and teams in organizations. Students will be exposed to…
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46750 MSPM Internship Practicum

This is a seminar for the students of the MSPM program that works in concert with their required internship.

46751 Accelerate Leadership

MSPM students are required to participate in leadership training through the Tepper School Accelerate program. The Accelerate Leadership Center offers one-to-one coaching, a series of leadership workshops and Leadership Development Certification for students to create…
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46752 MSPM Capstone Project

The Capstone project is structured to cover many of the ongoing challenges that product managers, and the companies that employ them, face at any stage of a product’s lifecycle in partnership with an industry sponsor. Our MSPM graduate students work in teams…
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46870 Business Fundamentals for High Tech Product Management

This course will provide a basic introduction on general business management. Topics include organizational structure, the role of different business domains in an organization (accounting, finance, operations, marketing, strategy) and how they relate.

46871 Principles of Product Managment

This course will introduce the role and responsibilities of the product manager in a software-intensive product or services company. Students will learn about standard processes, tools, and techniques for successful product management, including building and managing a…
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46872 Product Marketing

This course will focus on the strategies of technology-based products. We will examine how technology products differ from non-technology-based products and how the unique attributes of high-technology products influence the marketing strategies and tactics of those…
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46873 Business Presentations for Product Managers

This course will be aimed at helping students know how to target and deliver messages to business audiences. Students will learn delivery skills and will simultaneously learn how to construct arguments and problem-solve for decision makers and how to understand what these…
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46874 Principles of Product Management II

This course builds on Product Management I and expands upon the role and responsivities of the product manager in a software-centered product company. The purpose of this course is to equip students with the various methods, practices and tools they will need to be achieve…
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46880 Introduction to Probability and Statistics

This course introduces tools for decision-making under uncertainty, ranging from the fundamentals of probability theory, decision theory, and statistical models to basic software for data analysis. Topics include statistical independence, conditional probability, Bayes…
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47715 Accounting & Information Economics I

Structural methods for finance and accounting. Empirical accounting research and critical assessment of empirical work. Learn about the research process and develop ideas for your own research.

47718 Introduction to Accounting Theory

This course offers an introduction to the theoretical investigation of accounting as an academic discipline. The introduction is open to perspectives from the history of accounting thoughts, the mathematical foundation of bookkeeping, and modeled economic behavior. The…
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47719 Accounting & Information Economics II

This course covers the main applications of contract theory and information economics, focusing on the business fields of accounting and finance. We start with two essential information-based economic problems moral hazard and adverse selection respectively and focus on…
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47721 Seminar in Finance I (Finance Theory)

Finance is the allocation of resources across states and time. We will start with allocation across states – that is a static, single period model. Allocation of resources across states is "risk." What is it? We look at arbitrage and its implications, preferences…
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47723 Seminar in Finance III (Financial Institutions & Markets)

This course will focus on trading and market structure issues, and also attention to credit rating agencies, arbitrage and taxes.

47724 Seminar in Finance IV (Corporate Finance)

This is a PhD course intended for doctoral students in finance, economics, and accounting. We will study dynamic quantitative models of corporate investment, financing, and related decisions. While the topics will be primarily in the area of corporate finance, broadly…
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47770 Strategic Queueing Models

This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary research topics in Operations Management built on a queueing framework. Queueing theory, the intrinsically dynamic and stochastic study of flow systems, will be used to model how waiting times depend on demand…
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47774 Advanced Stochastic Analysis & Applications I

In designing computer systems one is usually constrained by certain performance requirements and limitations. For example, one might need to guarantee a response time SLA or certain throughput requirement, while at the same time staying within a power budget or cost…
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47775 Advanced Stochastic Analysis & Applications II

In designing computer systems one is usually constrained by certain performance requirements and limitations. For example, one might need to guarantee a response time SLA or certain throughput requirement, while at the same time staying within a power budget or cost…
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47779 Quantum Integer Programming & Quantum Machine Learning I

This course is primarily designed for graduate students (and advanced undergraduates) interested in integer programming (with non-linear objective functions) and the potential of near-term quantum and quantum-inspired computing for solving combinatorial optimization problems.

47785 Quantum Integer Programming & Quantum Machine Learning II

This course is primarily designed for graduate students (and advanced undergraduates) interested in integer programming (with non-linear objective functions) and the potential of near-term quantum and quantum-inspired computing for solving combinatorial optimization problems.

47800 Microeconomics I

This course is the first course in the core micro sequence of the economics PhD program. It is an introduction to microeconomic theory and concerns the behavior of individual consumers and firms in competitive settings. The specific topics to be covered are preference and…
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47801 Microeconomics II

This course is the second course in the core micro sequence of the economics PhD program. It is an introductory course in game theory and concerns economic situations in which rational decision-makers interact. The course is intended to teach students the tools necessary…
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47802 Microeconomics III

This course is the last course in the core micro sequence of the economics PhD program. The topics studied are advanced topics in economic theory. They often include but are not limited to contract theory and economics of information, repeated games and advanced models of…
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47803 Macroeconomics I

This course is the first course in the core macro sequence of the economics PhD program. This is an introductory course to modern macroeconomics. The course covers topics from basic growth theory to labor markets, asset pricing and government policy. It makes the students…
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47804 Macroeconomics II

This course is the second course in the core macro sequence of the economics PhD program. The course expands on the topics discussed in macroeconomics 1. Mainly the course focuses on macroeconomic models that involve heterogeneity. The topics covered in the class are…
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47805 Macroeconomics III

This course is the last course in the core macro sequence of the economics PhD program. It covers advanced topics in macroeconomics. These include monetary economics, models of firm dynamics, technology adoption, innovation and growth.  

47808 Dynamic Competitive Analysis

This course will focus on the overlapping generations (OLG) model. Together with the neoclassical growth model (aka the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model), the OLG is one of the workhorse models used in macroeconomic theory. Since the student will have been introduced to the RCK…
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47811 Econometrics I

This course is the first course in the core econometrics sequence of the economics PhD program. It is an introduction to the basic questions, tools and techniques used in empirical social science research. Students will learn to calculate and perform correct inference on…
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47812 Econometrics II

This course is the second course in the core econometrics sequence of the economics PhD program. It is about estimating structural economic models. The basic question is how to use data to estimate the parameters of an economic model. We will want to establish: establish…
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47813 Econometrics III

This course is the third course in the core econometrics sequence of the economics PhD program. This course explores relationships between economic theory, identification, estimation and econometric practice. It develops structural approaches for analyzing large cross…
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47817 Information Economics

This course is an advanced class on information, learning and communication. Topics include but are not limited to basic underpinnings of modeling information in economic decisions, including measuring the value of information and information design. These frameworks are…
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47830 Integer Programming

This is a graduate-level course in integer programming. The material from 47-834 Linear Programming is a prerequisite. The following topics will be covered: Scope and applicability of integer programming. Formulations. The knapsack problem, covering and packing, the…
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47834 Linear Programming

Linear programming lies at the basis of modern optimization theory. This course focuses primarily on linear programming theory and algorithms, leaving beyond the scope of its practical applications. The main topics to be covered include modeling examples and expressive…
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47835 Network Optimization I

Network Optimization 1 & 2 (47-835 & 836) are a pair of doctoral level classes that cover basic topics in the intersection of graph algorithms and mathematical optimization. Topics covered include packing and covering problems in graphs such as flows, cuts, and…
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47836 Network Optimization II

Network Optimization 1 & 2 (47-835 & 836) are a pair of doctoral level classes that cover basic topics in the intersection of graph algorithms and mathematical optimization. Topics covered include packing and covering problems in graphs such as flows, cuts, and…
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47840 Dynamic Programming

The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory and applications of dynamic programming (DP). We investigate the theory and methods commonly used in DP. We illustrate their use in solving particular models in various areas, which may include…
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47843 Foundations of Data Science

Modern data in many Machine Learning applications, Recommendation Systems, Neural nets, Ranking, as well as other areas consists of vectors with many components. The abstraction of data to high dimensional vectors is not just a book-keeping device, but is fundamental to…
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47851 Modern Convex Optimization

This course will cover the main foundations of convex optimization. The goal is to develop solid command of the foundational blocks of this discipline at the highest possible level. The course topics will include a thorough treatment of duality, optimality conditions,…
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47853 Special Topics: Combinatorial Optimization

Menger (1927) showed that the maximum number of disjoint st-paths is equal to the minimum cardinality of an st-cut. Dilworth (1950) proved that the minimum number of chains needed to cover a poset is equal to the maximum cardinality of an antichain. These classic results…
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47876 Macro-Finance

This course will provide a macro-finance approach to understanding liquidity and illiquidity. Our approach will lay the foundations to understand central issues in money, monetary policy, banking, and financial intermediation more broadly. We we will then apply these…
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47887 Economic Regulation of Networked Industries

This course will examine principles of economic regulation of networked industries such as gas, electricity, water and telecommunications, including economic justifications for price regulation (e.g. natural monopoly); alternative approaches to price regulation (Rate of…
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47890 Seminar in Organizational Theory (Micro)

This seminar focuses on individual and group behavior in organizations. The purpose of this course is to examine and understand fundamental theories and empirical research in the field of organizational behavior, and to increase our understanding of people’s…
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47894 Research Methods in Behavioral Sciences

This course provides an introduction to research methodology applicable to organizational behavior and other related fields. The course will survey the major research methodologies used in organizational behavior and social/personality psychology, and will focus on both…
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47896 Seminar in Meso OB

As organizational environments have become more dynamic and unpredictable, many organizations have responded by flattening their structures and deploying teams as a means of increasing flexibility, responsiveness, information gathering and processing capabilities.…
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47899 Organizational Learning

The course focuses on organizational learning and its processes of creating, retaining and transferring knowledge. The course begins with an analysis of models of organizational learning. Theoretical models and empirical findings are then presented about knowledge…
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47902 Structural Models

This course focuses on empirical research in labor economics. It covers two main topics: labor supply and human capital accumulation. For each of these topics, first theoretical models are presented and then focus is shifted to empirical approaches to estimating these models.

47950 Seminar in BT: Human-AI Interactions in Business Decision Making

Innovations in algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the way business and policy decisions are made. For example, inventory and pricing algorithms are developed to help retail managers make better operational decisions; forecasting algorithms are…
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47952 Estimating Dynamic and Structural Models

The seminar is intended to provide students with hand-on training in some cutting edge empirical frameworks and models. The topics we will cover would include (but are not limited to): latent class models, hidden Markov models, Bayesian learning models, single agent…
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47954 Human and Algorithmic Bias

The purpose of this course is to help students develop an economic perspective on algorithmic bias and related social and policy issues. To this end, we will read and discuss (1) classic economics, psychology and sociology papers on human bias and discrimination, (2)…
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47990 Seminar in Strategic Management: Core Strategy Research & Implications

Strategic management research is a domain of social science research that is concerned with explaining and predicting differences in organizational performance. Strategic management is an interdisciplinary field, and hence any introductory course faces the trade-off…
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